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Choosing Your Next Mattress

Arizona Mattress

It has been said we spend one third of our lives sleeping, which is a lot of time! There are more mattress options than ever before making the decision process even harder, especially considering your mattress lasts 7-10 years. Your selection should depend on your anticipated use. Is this for you and will be used daily, is it for a quest room which is seldom used or perhaps for a short-term fix such as a college mattress?

The "bed-in-a-box" is gaining popularity, but what exactly is a “bed-in-a-box”? The mattress is compressed, rolled and packed in a box, which can be shipped directly to you. This provides a convenient option to those who dread testing mattresses in-store and have difficulty determining long-term comfort during a short test.

What should be considered?

  • Though you can’t test out the mattress beforehand, many bed-in-a-box manufacturers offer a longer return policy, which allows you to make sure it is the correct fit for you.
  • Some beds-in-a-box are more cost-effective.
  • They can be heavy and difficult to maneuver so do not unwrap them until it is in the desired room and ready to be put in place.
  • If you prefer knowing exactly what you are receiving, have specific mattress requirements, and do not enjoy the return process, a traditional mattress may be the better option for you.

We want to help you make the right choice when choosing your next mattress. Give us a call today!